Themed Playlist: She’s Come Undone: Apocalypses, Big and Small
Eliza Rodriguez y Gibson offers a list of apocalypses written on and through the bodies of girls and women.
Eliza Rodriguez y Gibson offers a list of apocalypses written on and through the bodies of girls and women.
In November, enjoy a screening of Yours in Sisterhood and a roundtable on archives, dubbing, remediation and gender featuring director Irene Lusztig, Jennifer O’Mear, Tessa Dwyer, Jaimie Baron, and Shruti Narayanswamy. Click here for more information.
In which Leshu Torchin, resident Borat expert and documentary scholar, recommends viewing to accompany Sacha Baron Cohen’s latest foray into Borat and his special brand of documentary work.
Andrew Robbins’s playlist introduces a small collection of trans*-made short films that depict trans* people finding and rewriting their own histories, envisioning their own representation, and living full lives as activists and artists fighting for coalitional issues of justice.
Allison Frisch offers a list of multimedia journalism, which allows for an expansive and people-centred perspective on living with the pandemic.
In honour of World Mental Health Day (10 October), Richard Warden (Middlefish Films) offers a list of documentaries that take a personal, intimate approach to mental heath issues.
Playlist contributors and advisory board members Patricia Zimmerman and Dale Hudson have published a reflection on their playlists and “The Urgency of Participatory Small Media during the Covid-19 Pandemic” at the Park Center for Independent Media (PCIM)
Valeria Villegas Lindvall offers a list that highlights the creativity of Latin American genre filmmaking through a selection of horror films by women. These are provocative works designed to get your blood pumping and mind reeling.
The Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival (FLEFF) has launched a three-way international collaboration with the Taiwan Film and Audiovisual Institute (TFAI) and the Centre for Screen Cultures Playlist initiative at the University of St. Andrews Scotland to showcase playlists about online media projects about COVID-19.
Benjamin Schultz-Figueroa offers a partial survey of the representation of zoonotic diseases on film– a stable of both narrative and science cinema. How have animals been used to personify disease and communicate a host of political as well as medical anxieties?
Mike Wyeld (University of Hertfordshire) suggests a list of digital works rethinking how we use online video. In a time filled with public and private trauma and slow violence we …
William Brown and David H. Fleming present A Chthululist As the proverb goes: try saying that with false teeth! Shamelessly to tie in with the release of …
From Suzanne Enzerink (Assistant Professor of American Studies and Media Studies at the American University of Beirut) comes a timely and topical playlist: Corrupted Visions, Interrupted Dreams When I …
A nostalgic playlist about Venice comprising lesser known and expected films. Not the usual Venice playlist.
From Tanya Horeck (Anglia Ruskin University ) a reflection on motherhood and mediating functions that risk limiting our visions of kinship, especially under lockdown.
In this list, Davina Quinlivan explores breath as a site of perception and feeling.
In this list, Robert Munro provides a range of Scottish films that explore childhood and child-parent relationships in ways that are both personal and allegorical.
Mainstream media have the power to dictate the terms of engagement through their near ubiquity and capacity to frame the issues. Satire is a crucial tool in countering these narratives …
Hannah Mueller (Bowling Green State University) offers a list of films that show poverty as a structural, intersectional issue in contrast to the typical portraits of invidualised suffering overcome by even more individual action.