The Mediated Voice: Yours in Sisterhood (EVENT)

In November, enjoy a screening of Yours in Sisterhood and a roundtable on archives, dubbing, remediation and gender featuring director Irene Lusztig, Jennifer O’Mear, Tessa Dwyer, Jaimie Baron, and Shruti Narayanswamy. Click here for more information.

Themed Playlist: Family Affairs

In honour of World Mental Health Day (10 October), Richard Warden (Middlefish Films) offers a list of documentaries that take a personal, intimate approach to mental heath issues.

International Collaboration with Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival and Taiwan Film and Audiovisual Institute

The Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival (FLEFF) has launched a three-way international collaboration with the Taiwan Film and Audiovisual Institute (TFAI) and the Centre for Screen Cultures Playlist initiative at the University of St. Andrews Scotland to showcase playlists about online media projects about COVID-19.

Themed Playlist: Venice

A nostalgic playlist about Venice comprising lesser known and expected films. Not the usual Venice playlist.