Themed Playlist: Multimedia Journalism and COVID-19
Allison Frisch offers a list of multimedia journalism, which allows for an expansive and people-centred perspective on living with the pandemic.
Allison Frisch offers a list of multimedia journalism, which allows for an expansive and people-centred perspective on living with the pandemic.
Playlist contributors and advisory board members Patricia Zimmerman and Dale Hudson have published a reflection on their playlists and “The Urgency of Participatory Small Media during the Covid-19 Pandemic” at the Park Center for Independent Media (PCIM)
The Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival (FLEFF) has launched a three-way international collaboration with the Taiwan Film and Audiovisual Institute (TFAI) and the Centre for Screen Cultures Playlist initiative at the University of St. Andrews Scotland to showcase playlists about online media projects about COVID-19.