Would you like to contribute a playlist? Send your pitch/proposal to Leshu Torchin (lt40 AT st-andrews.ac.uk). We are interested in lists that not only offer great things to watch, but which are framed by your research and/or practice: How can understand these films or media objects? What are ways we can look at them and appreciate what they have to offer?
The format/parameters are flexible, but here are the basics:
Title: Have a Title. It’s the best way to make an entrance.
Introductory Statement: Set the stage for what’s to come by providing an opening statement on the theme: What is the theme? Why is this theme notable or of interest? For instance: Is it a guide/introduction to an online archive, type of film, or filmmaker? Is it a grouping produced through your research interests (and in that case, what is your research doing and telling people)? Even then, it can be necessary to limit the choices, so explain further (your favourites? must sees? Films that infuriate?)
How many films/ media objects? The average tends to be 5-7 items. More can work (10 is a nice round number) but more than that can become overwhelming (depending on presentation). Fewer can also be ok, depending on the presentation.
What to include for each entry: Each entry should include information about about the film Full title, director, year, a minor synopsis and a reason for inclusion in the list. Links to a streaming site if applicable are needed. If the film is not available, consider where else you might direct someone who wants to know more or find this item.
Speaking of links: Please feel free to promote yourself. The project might be a curated film series with programme notes, but it is also a conduit to the things you are doing— or maybe other things you love. The beauty of hyperlinks is that they allow a reader to continue learning if they’d like. And why not learn more about your projects? If you are citing other people, link to the work cited. If you’d like to connect this to another playlist or project, link to that! We’re online and we might as well make the most of that.
Feature Image: Along with the list, please include a featured image: These should be a separate file, and large enough to maintain a decent quality (900×700 sort of size although there is some flexibility). I will choose one if you don’t.
Biography: Please send a short biographical statement along with the list. This is also a chance to promote your work with links or announcements about projects and existing/forthcoming publications and films.
How to send: Lists (with bio) should be sent in a document and images as separate files. These can be sent to Leshu Torchin.